Pre-Braces Pictures

Hey again!

So it’s now 5 days until I get my braces, and I realised that in the rush from work to the ortho I might not get a chance to get some proper pictures! Also, I discovered two things doing this blog post:

1: Trying to take pictures of your own teeth is actually REALLY HARD! Who knew?! No wonder my orthodonstist had a giant paparazzi camera and a million torture devices to put in my mouth to get proper pictures!

2: I’ve always really hated my teeth and been super conscious of them, but it wasn’t until I took these pictures that I realise how truly awful my teeth look 😦 Not only do they look like they were assembled by a toddler, they’re also just generally in bad condition. My dental hygiene has been super strict for the past few years, but prior to that I can’t honestly say that I looked after them that well as I figured they looked so bad already that there was no point (I realise how utterly stupid that sounds). So ANYWAY, here they are! Please excuse my rubbish teeth/rubbish photography skills/rubbish lighting!



I also forgot to mention in my previous post about my actual orthodontal issues – it’s pretty clear from the pictures but I apparently have a class 2 overjet (not a good look over here), overcrowding (so I’m going to have to have 2 pre-molars removed to make space, apparently this will happen around 6 months into treatment) and a crossbite on my right side.

So that’s about it really, just wanted to give anyone following an idea as to what state my teeth are in before they go and get sprinkled in metal like some sort of insane Christmas decoration…

Catch you next week!

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